Friday, September 3, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss

This is my new motto.  My mother has jokingly said this for years and while I get the basic gist of it I think for the first time in my life I have a real appreciation for what it can mean.  Since finding out we were pregnant and then that our little beans are growing a little slow I've been a nervous wreck.  I know this is not good for the babies or my mental state (or Brady's sanity), every article I read or message board I find seems to give me something else to stress out about.  I know this is probably not the intention of the authors but I am seriously over analyzing every aspect of my body and this pregnancy with every "normal" number range and "whats safe?" list. I find it insane that the UK version of a certain popular baby website lists all kinds of wonderful cheeses that are safe during pregnancy but the American version tells me they are all off limits, clearly someone stateside is attempting to end my ongoing love affair with Pecorino Romano and Feta.  Am I drinking enough water? Consuming enough calories? Should I be taking two prenatal vitamins every day since I have two babies?  It's never ending and has been driving me crazy.  On Wednesday I made an appointment with my fantastic acupuncturist and she gave me the best advice ever.  When discussing things that have been causing stress over the last week (she's attempting to help me stay zen) she suggested that too much information can be a bad thing.  "Your body knows exactly what it needs right now, forget the web pages and books, just listen to what your body is telling you. Eat, sleep and drink lots of water, that's all you need to worry about right now because the rest is completely out of your hands".  I realize she is right and this knowledge is surprisingly freeing.  I've put away all the baby books for now, vowed to not open the web browser to baby sites and just focus on listening to what my body tells me to do.  It seems so simple I feel a little ridiculous for not realizing it myself.   

Several people have had less than enthusiastic reactions to hearing we are having twins and I think the same rule applies.  We have no idea what we are in for here people, we have no other children, we don't know what midnight feedings are like or how many diapers we will go through or how overwhelmed we will be and I think it's this ignorance that allows us to be excited.  People think we are nuts to be thrilled but we don't know to worried about the lack of sleep or costs of twins.  We are clueless, we accept this, we know it will be hard but there are people out there who go through much more difficult things every day, they manage and survive and so will we.  In the meantime I am going to stick my head back in the sand and enjoy my four hour afternoon naps and daydreams of our happy little family that sleeps through the night and has no poopy diapers.


  1. I absolutely agree with everything you just wrote :) Your babies will most likely get laid back personalities as you just enjoy the journey during this pregnancy. Awesome job!

  2. I love this philosophy! Keep it up. And I am sorry if we were ones of those people that made you feel like "Oh you just wait" You are never prepared to have children (one or two). We weren't. I think taking it one day at a time is all you can do. And have fun because ultimately the happier you are the happier your babies will be. They know. And forget all the crazy...can't have this...don't have that...I didn't and Lyla is healthy as can be. Of course I wasn't downing booze or anything but I did have a few small glasses of wine, crab and feta...ha ha. If anything just listen to your doctor. :) Love you guys!!! You are doing great!!!

  3. My Darling Amber, I am offering to come stay and help you with your babies day and night for as often as you would like. I also will help out with your brothers so your experienced mom can help you out. we Love You and are so happy for your both. Guppy
