Thursday, August 12, 2010

It Worked!

Today was the big day, blood draw early this morning and the best news of my life just before noon.  I can't believe we made it and it worked. I will admit there were times when I wondered if we would ever be here and if we could do it, I am so glad that we did.  I had the doctors office call Brady with the news because I wanted to hear it from him and I knew the minute I answered my phone that the news was good.  For the first time in my life I was at a loss for words, I wanted to shout and jump up and down and cry all at the same time, I was in the car however, so I settled for silent tears of joy.  Hearing the excitement in Brady's voice and knowing that we were finally to this point has made every shot, doctors appointment, blood draw and uncomfortable ultrasound worth it. 

We know we aren't out of the woods yet, we've been here before and it's still pretty early in the game, but we are so hopeful and thankful to have made it this far.  We go in for another blood draw on Saturday to ensure that my levels are doubling the way they are supposed to and I am continuing on the oral estrace and the nightly progesterone shots to help support the pregnancy. I will admit to a small amount of paranoia, I know that this will be a challenge for me going forward but I am determined to keep it in check.  Right now I am going to focus on the wonderful.  My wonderful husband who has been my rock and my wonderful family who has been crazy supportive and most of all the wonderful gift that we have been given.  We know that the real journey has just begun, the only question left is, will there be one or two?

1 comment:

  1. That is such amazing news! We couldn't be happier for the two of you! No one deserves it more. NO ONE! Love you guys!
